We fall down
We lay our crowns
At the feet of Jesus
The greatness of Mercy and love
At the feet of Jesus
We cry holy, holy, holy
We cry holy, holy, holy
We cry holy, holy, holy
Is the lamb
The hardest battles is in choosing not to be get booged down and miserable in the circumstance.
It's such a tough daily decision to lift our eyes off ourselves and what we're feeling, and up to the heavens, where our Help comes from.
Wouldn't your heart ache
Wouldn't your heart cry
When you witness an innocent new believer grasping tighly onto John 3:16 each time when she feels the pain
Despite tubes being inserted into her nose,
tons of discomfort she felt,
She never lament about her condition,
Instead, she earnestly pray and believe that GOD will take away all her pain,
And all she ask for- more time.
I pray that you will help her in those times when she feel uncomfortable and fearful
Let not the devil use these against her
For I know you've washed her wihte as snow
Shower her with your unfailing love and mercies
Her heart and flesh may fail,
But You are the strength of her heart
And her portion forever.
Where her emotions fail,
carry her through and
put that smile on her face.
Your faithfulness extends to all generations
Nobody can comprehend your goodness and greatness
Make her and her loved ones' hearts sing praises to You
For you are deserving
As her loved ones wait at your feet
Only You sustain them
GIve them reason to live every day
They can't live a day without you
Help them know You are near...
Help them, Lord
Help them, Lord
Help them, Lord
Save them from the evil ones
Let them know that you do hear them when they call out to you
I know you will rescue each and everyone of them
For you make all things new
We put all our trust in You
We love you, Jesus
Meet my crazy hypermates a.k.a the sopranoS! :D THE SILOSO BEACH HOTEL!!! WoOhOO!! It overlooks the sea and the beach!!! Isnt it awesome???? HaHAA Pre-requisites to this 24-hr marathon -- Each hypermate is to bring along another hypermate partner!
The laffter and volume juz gets louder and LOUDER as the hands of the clock moves!
And, the stomach muscles simply juz never get enuff of it... ...
They need more sights of these hypermates, more giggles, more lAffters and of cos....
AND SO... ....
Presenting to you the next cosyyyy nestttttt in Aug/Sept!
Why do some pple in our life juz come in and go and we can't do anything about it, even though we want them to stay in our lives? Many things has happened in such a short span of time... ... Many has shed tons of tears during this time... ... It struck so hard in me that nothing is certain... ... How vulernable life is... ... How one's action will have an impact on another... ... How life is crafted with so much smiles and tears... ... How much we hated our current situations... ... How much we wanna lead the life we used to have with all smiles... ... How much we dislike changes... ... How much we have to surrender to HIM coz' it's juz simply not within our control... We juz simply dunno how... ... As we grow older, we come to know more about the reality of life... ... Sometimes, growing up really sucks... ... When we were in primary school, we could'nt wait to grow up... We wanted to be older and matured and be in university... Now, itz may not the case anymore... ... the older we grow, the more we wished we could turn back the clock and be young again... ... But, that withstanding, We know if we were to turn back the clock and stay put at that age, We wouldnt be able to experience all the fun and taste all the sweetness in our 20s... .. I guess itz all part and parcel of growing up... ... It's okie to reminisce the past, but not to live in the past... ... I guess, the next step for us is to learn to grow gracefully... ... To accept all that has happened and to know that there are better things in store for us.. Let's all together be forward looking and not backward -looking and live life to the max in this tough journey... ... Ground squirrels hibernate our homes during winter, and they reappear when the snow melts in the spring. My wife Carolyn and I enjoy watching them scurry back and forth from one hole to another, while others stand like tiny sentries watching for predators. In mid-May, a man from a nearby golf course arrives on a little green tractor with a tank loaded with lethal gas. The groundskeeper tells us that these little critters have to be eliminated because they dig holes in the fairways. SOme survive, but most do not. It always makes us a little sad to see the tractor arrive. If I could, I'd chase the little animals away. I'd destroy their holes and force them to settle someplae else. I'm sure they would resent my interference, but my actions would be solely for their good. So it is with our BIG GOD up there. HE may break up our comfortable nests now and then, but behind every difficult change lies HIS love and eternal purpose. HE is not cruel or capricious. HE is working for our ultimate good. HE wants us to be conformed to the image of HIS son and give us glorious enjoyments in heaven forever. So how can we fear change when it comes from someone whose love for us never changes? (Romans 8:38-39) If we can't see the sun now... ... That's either cos' the clouds are hiding them now or our glasses haf turned misty... ... Clouds are ever-moving...they will move away gradually... ... Clean yr glasses with a soft wipe :O... .... AND, YOU WILL SEE THE SUN once again! (",>) We all know it is easier said than done and talk is cheap... ... BUT, Rem' you still have a pool of cushions that are olreadi stacked so high up awaiting for your fall... so even if you do fall, you will still land comfortably! HUgzZZZZZ
Why am i forced to take leave when leave is part of my employment contract stated in the labour law?
Why do we keep hoping that time can turn back and things old still be the way they used to be?
Why do people change and what causes that change?
Why do some people move on faster than others?
Why do people hang on to some things or some people even though they should not?
I wished I knew the answers to these questions... ....
I know many do not have an answer to these questions as well... ...
I have stopped asking WHY cos' none of us will ever know the answers... ...
Most of us will never fully understand why HE made certain decision and did the things that HE did... ...We can only know the heartbeat of our GOD for us but never fully understand the works of his hands... ...
my new found fAv melody!
awesome jazzy melody!
hear it and you'll fall in love wif it tOO! ^-^
Till now, it still seems like a dream to me... ... It was totally unexpected... ... It may be a small little surprise, nothing fantastic nor big... ... BUT, it juz meant sooOOOOO much soOOO much to me! Feeling extremely blissful now till i can truly sing from my heart... ... "Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste" song of songs 2:3
GoShhhh, it has been 343 days that we have graduated from SOA officially! And today, i FINALLY met up with my "school.work.friends.play" kAKis! :p The entire nite was juz simply full of endless voices and laughter from everyone! It was a nite of catching up from all the BIG FOUR's reps... ... Sharing of work responsibilties, career progressions, career plans... ... Yakking about our ideal weddings, CPF contributions... ... Reminiscing every crazy moments way back in school... ... How PIA we were back then during our projects... ... Bitching about free-riders... ... Coming up with creative ways for cheat sheets with impossibly small words... ... Discussing our bids, e-dollars and strategizing our As... ... Suppers in the midst of projects from Bedok 85 to Jalan Kayu... ... Sum Yee Leong post tAX parties at noble house, china club and SICC... ... ANd the list juz simply goes on and on and ON! Sharing weal and woe together... .... Has created a friendship built on mutal trust and support... ... The beauty of it is that... ... No words are needed to articulate our shared understanding... ... At this crossroads... ... Though our paths may diverge... ... time will be a testament to our friendship which will see us thru the next phase of the journey... ... that is our lives! :)
MORE IMPORTANTLY.... ..............
Presenting to you a hot feast with all the right ingredients... ....
AND, I promise i will turn up for more gatherings as well as SOAs chill-outs!