Best days of lobo-ing life is officially over! WoOOhOO! In another 16 hrs, i will fly past the southern lands of Asia and up north over tropic of Cancer to Beijing!
It has been a really long long break of 1.5mths! (mid-May to June)
Swam to south-eastern territories of australia; sydney and melbourne!
Conquered kota kinabalu, Sabah- land of the highest Asian mountain!
Read "Coming out by Danielle Steel", "GOD why? by Gordon Wong", "Heart Cry by Jill Briscoe", "A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer" and loads of FRS!
Inhaled the freshness of air at parks!
Experience the stillness in St. Andrew's Cathedral and talking to the BIG GUY up there!
Laid my hands on pool and tennis!
Sipped english breakfast tea at cosy comfy poisy cafes!
AND, not forgetting, patronising all retail outlets on numerous breezy afternoons!
The only thing that i actually gave it a miss!
- Shakespeare's midsummer night's dream!
Awwww...ain't that sweet?? Shakespeare's literature is truly exceptional!
By hook or by crook, i will not give it a miss the next time round!
After such a long recharge, am gonna venture somewhere unfamilar with my not-so coherent language!
A' last! My first overseas work trip - at Daqing, Heilongjiang!
Whilst i'm excited about going somewhere exotic, I am actually kinda super stressed out by my senior till i couldnt believe that I threw endless tantrums to cdd over the past 2 days! (i'm amazed cos its like a breakthru' in my life to throw actually tantrums! And so, i had to blog this milestone! :O)
Really thanK GOD for cdd! He's soOO patient with me even though i'm so unreasonable to him! The most amazing thing is; not only he's not affected by it or angry, he showered him with more of his lUV! Awww...he's juz soOOO sweet! (Probably he's juz angel number II!.... Not angel number I cos dat's reserved for mi! :D hAHAA)
Alrite dudes! Will be back on the 27th nite!
Till then, Ciao!
p/s: FYI, i'm like blogging at a GAMx training! This is incredulous! Can u imagine how boring the training is??? ^-^
Finally met up with my dearest today!
It has been weeks that i last hungout with her!
Am so happy that she's somewhere back to the crazy camera whore that she used to be!
GO GO GOOOOOO!!! Keep going babe!
Let's take more and more gao siao snapshots (a.k.a eAt, snAp & lAff till our muscles ache!) keke... ....
A prelude to our very first snapshot with my new camera!
Soup Spoon has the best mushroom soup ever! (even better than white dog cafe! :O)
And, you simply cant do away with the "Asian tofu" as your side!
p/s: there's aint any photo of two of us cos' my dearest dint wan to be LOUD as to zi pai at Soup Spoon! it's like she's SHY! ~thinking really really hard and really wonder hahAA~~~
This is a super duper lull season for the auditors! Nice place for hangout for high tea and chilling out with frenz. The place is so vintage and victorian themed! Tried the baileys irish teacake, salmon quiche and parmesean cheese cookies!
And so, all of them have too much leisure time in their hands!
So much so that they decided to go for a HIGH TEA SESSION!
Three words - Awesome but pricey! :o
Especially the cookies! No eggs and milk and they tasted so aromatic and oriental!
Ohhh... they have pretty cupcakes too!
But, cup cakes muz be pre-ordered! Arent they pretty??? So unique!
Imagine yr wedding with so many different designs of cupcakes! Wowwww!! Dat will be soo heavenly! :D
(And that will cost u a BOMB too!)
wOOOhOOOOO!!! So peeps, lets gOOOOO and explore EARTH with this camera together keke.... But rather, bcos' of little things like this......... Imagine coming home late and seeing a note on the refrigerator that read this: "Geraldine, the plate of fruits in the fridge is for you. Remember to eat them before you sleep or talk on the phone. Love, Mummy" Love my mummy lots and lots!
Got a stunning shock when my mum asked mi to charge the camera battery!
She actually got me this stylish extremely pretty pinky sony T20 camera juz for me to bring it to China!
Maybe she noes that i'm a camera whore! heeheeShe even got it in one of my favourite colours! And, do you know that Carl Zeiss has the best lens too??? :D
Anyway, am too lost for words and my sentences are simply incoherent now.....
My mum- my nurturer, my friend, my pillar of strength, my advisor, my guardian, my role model as a mother (except for her temper ;p)... and the list juz goes on and on....................
Not bcos' she got me a camera and i'm elated....
A platter of mixed cut fruits!
It is little gestures like this that made me feel so loved by her.
Feel so blessed so blessed!
Lord, you bless me with wonderful people,
to experience this journey called life with me.
More than I could hope or dream of,
You bless me with my sweet close-knitted family,
You bless me with my ever patient and loving cdd,
You bless me with my comfort, J to speak sense into me,
You bless me with my troop of cranky frenz, who never fail to bring laffter to me,
So blessed so blessed I can't contain it,
You taught me to be contented in whatever circumstances we're in,
and i wanna give praise and thanks to YOU for my everything!
Thank you, Lord!
Alrite babes & dudes! Am gonna run with M & some of the AABS peeps!
The next upcoming event that i look forward to...............................
Date: September 9, 2007
Time: 7.30 - 9.30am
Route: Esplanade Bridge > Shenton Way > Marina South
Yippieeeeee! Am soOO excited!
Wheeee! Had CG at derricks's chalet last friday! Alrite alrite.... the SERIOUS sharing begun with xian's preaching... ... We're simply juz camera posers! hAHAA And the insane cg went gambling after holy moly stuff????? King of Bridge and his teachings to the youths! Who dares to go agst Di-ge?? And so, everyone listened in fear! The "you-shan" shan-ge stepped in to minimise fears! Afterall, FAMILY MATTERS! hAHAA Presenting to you the guitarists of the day! Anyway... presenting to you my fAv poser photo of the dAe!
Here's the sneak preview to the insane cg before the SERIOUS sharing started... .. Were we having cg or having fun???
Ho HO HO... Are you sure cg has started??? Why are we at different chapters of the bible! Some at old testaments and others at new testaments????
If that was a competition, i guess the last contestant will be kicked out even before the preliminary round! :O
Dun i look so much younger in this pix! Maybe its time for me to change over to either JJ's or cindy's cg! HAhaA