Wheeeeee!!!! >>>>Equinox & Turkish food at PRINCE's!!! Can't wait for that! Let's goOOOOO!!! Heeezzzz
MPS's treat to dinner at Hinabi @ odeon towers!!!
Endless flow of fresh sashimi, tempura, teppanyakis....
and the list just goes on and onnnn........
The grilled fill! - moist, juicy, tasty, yet still retaining its crispy skin texture...
*slUrp slUrpppppp... ...
Disclaimer: Please prepare a basket of eggs to throw in from the jealousy that follows. Will not be held liable for any sustained internal injuries from too much emotional imbalance.
Was soundly tucked in beddie till 12 noon!
Had my very FIRST Mahjong 101 lesson by the most tai-ko mahjong player ever...
Had two huge chilli crabs for dinner with a "celebrity" from Thailand!
Caught the movie, Rat-a-too-ee even before the official starring on 30th August!
So cuteeeee and funniii!!!
**Two thumbs up for it!!
You should catch the show too! It's juz so heartwarming and hilarious! :O
Not forgetting...
A trip to Cosy Bay to snap some poser shots with some self proclaimed charming peepz! mUAhAHAA
Am juz soOOO living THE Life! :D
I did something that was unexpected last week, and well, it sunk in so deeply into me. It’s nothing extremely terrible, and in fact i am glad i managed to do it, despite nearly chickening out. I still have to process it though. And while it is still fresh, i’d better make sense of it. Life often throws things at you when you least expect it, when you think you are prepared for it, when well, when perhaps it wasn’t the best time for it. But, still, you manage to get through it; and at the end of the day look back and say, “it wasn’t all that bad ya?” And because what happened last week happened, i think things will get better; it can only get better coz' i noe GOD IS walking alongside with me. (See the biggy foot??? and of cos the smallie foot is mine! heez) AND, i am thankful for it. Smiles. :) So, in my random messyness of life, i find solace in this- that even if i can’t pack up the mess i created; i know my God will teach me how to, instruct me which place to keep what and well, there you have it- a cleaned up table, all ready for use! And so... I shan't fight for whatever i think i deserve. Rather, i wanna spend my time and energy on reading up on Compensation and doing things that will enrich my future! Father Lord, I pray for undeserved grace to wherever you are going to place me at. I know your heart is to prosper and not to harm me. As in John 12:24, End is the beginning is the end. A new awesome beginning is to begin in the finance world with you as my word and sword! Amen! "Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds" John 12:24 On a side note, it been a really long time of 2 yrs that I last had a good chat with my "kor". Had a 3-hr catch-up with my "kor" today! Shared a fair bit, he spoke some logical sense into me too using story of David! He was shocked to hear what i went through this year. He scolded, protected and showed me certain things in different light. It really nice to see your close frenz who is not in constant contact, being so protective of you but yet knowing his own boundaries. All i can say, my "da-sao" is a blessed gal! Kudos "kor"! Heez wOAh WOAh wOAHhhh Am feeling excited for what it is to come! So blessed so blessed that i can't contain it! SoOOO... this is me! hAHAA hAHAA You can say it's me, albeit with less hair and meat! (Same roundy face, though.) ^_^
The skinny figure above was dreamt up and drawn by yours truly. ;p
It feels as though i'm having a long weekend! You have to watch it to find out! HaHAA otherwise Warner Brothers will band me from all of their future productions! hAHAAAAA
Took leave yesterday to settle all the admin matters that urgently requires my attention! :O
Caught the movie License to Wed yesterday!
This movie is just soOO funny so hilarious! You can laugh your hearts out!
For an appetiser and a mini spread of light dessert....
It started with "Marriage is like sticking a tongue on the flagpole" and ended with an "Awwwwww.... so sweeeeetttttt" kinda comedy!
As for the main course...
p/s: check out the babies that they're holding on... u'll BOL!
Prolly yesterday was my craziest dae in my life! And even, words such as God's words of "You said daffodils bloom in the skies" seems faraway as she ask for one more chance! Then she used all her might to resolve the matter after discussing with MPS and totally entrusted the entire matter into GOD's hands! God is amazing, though i cant see exactly the works of your hands yet BUT God sent prof Joanne Tay to me today! Though i do not know what is the outcome yet, but i'm sure God's gonna fight for me! Oh yah...Not forgetting MPS, who is always always there for me! MPS MPS MPS! I love MPS!!! MPS stay there! U aint getting anywhere out of this island! hAHAAA I noe My GOD is constantly gently teaching me to be that better person!
I felt extremely lost cos my future is juz so gonna be ruined cos of the "smallest" matter!
I was so affected by it that i'm no longer logical!
I was so mad with myself that i broke down into tears!
I felt like a small sponge in the ocean....
Felt so so sOOO tired...
Like a little gal trying to scurry her way out from all four corners of the room but to no avail...
She's simply juz so tired and lied flat on the ground!
She wans her happy and cheerful self back!
But yet, she noes nutting satisfy her!
And suddenly, she realised how vunerable she is before GOD! For once in her life she realised there's nothing she can do but to PRAY and only GOD knows everything that is happening!
BUT, she prayed wif tons of injustices within her even with a song ringing in her head!
In her heart, she thot that GOD's grace will be showered upon her as she prays...
Now I feel like a sparrow flying so so freely high high up in the clear bluey sky and i wanna sing with my entire heart with lotsa gratification!
My Love
You said love
Lasts forever
You said daffodils
They bloom in the skies...
You said rain
Is time to play
You siad sunshine
Is stars from the sea...
Oh my love... how can it be?
With those eyes, the beauty you see...
You mystify...
My life's desire... sown in the sea...
yeah.. my Love
You said time
Heals the pain
You said promises
Unveil all the lies...
You said life
There's no reason
You said everything
Must come to an end...
Oh my Love... how can it be?
With those eyes, the sadness you see...
You mystify...
Your life's desire... sown in the sea...
yeah... my Love...
My Love... My Love...
My Love... My Love...
Whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa.. yeah...
My Love...
LuvvVV this song to bits! Got this song from JJ's bloggie!
Worked in the living room of the suite; my meal place is probably juz 15 steps away from my workplace! (wad an unhealthy lifestyle i led!) We worked 16 hours everyday! And our only break was probably a trip out for lunch OCCASIONALLY!
Am bACkie from my farawayyyyland!
And yeS... finAlly i'm blogging on my interesting discovery!
The 2.5 wks is such an INTERESTING trip!
Had zillion of abalones, fresh scallops, fresh lobster and shark fins for most of my meals!
Stayed at a suite where "maids" are there everyday, every hour, every minute, every seconds to attend to yr needs!
Chefs are there to cater to your personal likings! Even giving your breakfast menu even at 3.30am!
Papaya milk bath, full body massage, spas and face masks are just at the ground floor of the palace! Most imptly, there's no cash transaction at all! All you need is to pen your name down! (this is Fully FOC unlike credit cards!)
A bodyguard to accompany you when you're out for a jog!
Chauffeur awaiting for you outside the palace when you need to go out!
All employees bowing down at you when you walk past!
Such brillant and desired life issnt it????
If your dream is to be a PRINCESS, pls pls plSSS really tink twice and reconsider the reality of it! :O (really.. . cos princess don't get to GO OUT if u haven realised dat!)
Well well... pictures paints a thousand or rather zillion words! don't they???? hAHAA
My first "palace-break"! You will never be able to comprehend how i felt on that day! I felt soOO liberated after hibernating in the "palace" for 5 days! And prolly our ONLY activity outside work.... Grocery shopping!
BW!!! My fellow crazy gal! My jogging kaki! Skipping occasional dinners to jog! Cos our tummies were like growing at an alarming rate! Over-eating every minute and sitting down at work is juz grossy! hAHAAA Suddenly, a jog of 5km was soOO breath-taking! And, we jogged without much effort! (maybe cos there are so many sights to see while jogging!) hAHAAA
Seen alot, felt alot, learnt a lot during this trip!
It really amazes me how the people over in Daqing is juz so satisifed with their lives; locals jogging with their families at the lakes udring wkdays, employees are able to withstand "eating, working, living" in the SAME building for 24/7! I guess cos' they haven seen the world and so most are really contented with their lives!
Shouldnt we feel blessed and thankful that our lives are much more colourful than theirs???
Well?? I seriously do! AND... i feel so gOOOdddd to be back here!! I sOOO miSS everyone here! hAHAAA
p/s: Anyone knows where i can get Leigh Nash CD??? I really reallylove their songs! hAHAA will love ya lotS if you can tell me where i can get it! =)