Tuesday, 27 October 2009

1:05 am



I think i am feeling at the top of the world!

Feeling totally liberated!

That's cos i am only working for a day that is today for this week!

And i'm so gonna let my hair down in Sibu!



Island Hopping,

Sunset cruising,


with my Mr. Sunshine, Miss Soprano & her honey bun!



Sunday, 25 October 2009

11:24 am

This week was an insane week.

I felt humiliated, injustified and pushed to the corner.

I was reminded that my Lord suffered on the cross with so much more times than what i am going through.

Each time i think of that, my heart sank.

It keeps flashing in my head every ride to and from work.

I just have to grit my teeth.


I believe,

in HIS plan and will,

everything will shine in HIS time.

Went for service last night. Have not been in the zone during service for the longest time since it changed to Sunday morning.

What the pastor shared brought peace to me. Something that i crave for deeply within. He shared how amazing Andrew is despite being mentioned only twice in the entire bible (Book of John) and how others know him as Simon Peter; the man who preach 1 sermon and 3,000 is saved.

All Peter did was possible because of ONE faithful man - Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus.

Andrew is the one who brought the boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes to Jesus even though there were thousands to feed.

How many of us are truly aware that Andrew is the first who heard about Jesus and followed him?

Andrew did what he need to do; with or without recognition and Jesus can depend on him for his commitment. Glory is obviously not a requirement to heaven. All it takes Faith, Grace and salvatoin to enter the heaven.

Dear Lord,

May you take away the spirit of grumbling within,
May you mould me and use me for your works,
May you continue to grow me in the right spirit,
May you search my heart daily so that i can live for you.
Thank you for blessing me,
and may you bless everyone around me too!

In my utmost highest i trust,

Thank you for blessing me with CDD.

And i know,

It is a GIFT from above.